GUMGUMGUM是關於「生活中的停頓 , 思索」,比較隨性及輕鬆,在店中購物時不是一般局促,在這個app也希望會感覺到店中的感覺。GUMGUMGUM是無限可能性,不受規限的,所以每月都會作不同主題去跟上潮流,我們亦會提供不同種類,不同感覺的時尚產品給予客人,是一站式購物新地點。
GUMGUMGUM會定期舉行展覽及主題活動,比起一般的SELECTED SHOP GUMGUMGUM更能為不同品牌打造一個只屬它們的舞台,更具話題性及引起不同人仕之注目。
GUMGUMGUM originate in the Cantonese slang “咁”, which used as a pause between lines of conversation. Living in a rapid city, there is never a place for us to relax and appreciate life. We hope GUMGUMGUM can bring a chill feeling to every Hong Kongers and help them get what they need and want at the same time.
GUMGUMGUM is more than just a retail shop , it is an infinite idea.
No rules and no boundaries. If you are a brand designer, an artist, a musician or a collector, we welcome you to work with us anytime.
GUMGUMGUM holds various events throughout the year, in order to keep GUMGUMGUM as a fresh, young and flexible image.